An Incident That Broke My Heart

Recently my English teacher gave us a writing assignment. It read like this. “On the way to school you saw a stray dog hit by a speeding car. Express how you felt about it .”

I am not sure if it was a mere coincidence , but the exact incident my teacher asked us to imagine had already happened in real! What more, it happened on my way to school . I thought I must pen this down .

Ever since moving to a nearby school me and my brother started commuting by our bicycles. Unlike the bus rides this makes us see and hear more on our way. It was another morning as usual, I was enjoying pedalling down the peaceful street on my way to school. Everything was quite still and normal till I turned to the main road.The road was bustling with school buses ,cars ,vans ,trucks ,and people on two wheelers going on with their daily lives.

The cute white puppy

All of a sudden ,a cute white puppy caught my eye.It had fur which was as white as snow and had huge round and cute black eyes ,its tail was very short and wagged behind it .It’s ears were so long and floppy and covered half of its huge eyes. It’s cute sleepy eyes were eagerly searching for food.I took out my snacks box to feed it something. It stood still for some time whimpering and looking at me as though he was checking if I could be trusted. Then,slowly it took one step forward and took another.

It had almost crossed the path when suddenly , a red car just sped off in the opposite direction and knocked down the puppy. I was not sure if the driver didn’t see it or didn’t care! The little puppy lay on the road drenched in blood .It’s huge ,black ,round eyes were half shut. It’s snow white fur was dripping wet with blood . It’s long and floppy ears covered half of its face ,and its tail lay motionless on the ground .It lay on the road very still as the vehicles passed it . I couldn’t do anything when many dogs surrounded it and started barking.

I knew help had come and went on my way to the school ,my heart heavy with sorrow. I could not stop thinking about the cute white puppy while I went to school .Usually the sounds of cars and other vehicles honking would irritate me ,but today they did not seem to bother me .Even when I reached school ,I could not forget the puppy .It’s memory lies in my heart to this moment.

– ANANYA RAJESH (Class 6, JEHS Bangalore)

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